Content Writer, Storyteller
Blog posts
Here are a few selected pieces I have written online:
11 Micro Habits (And the Science Behind Them) With an Implementation Plan - ClickUp
How Netflix Nailed Employee Onboarding (And How You Can Do It Too) - Zavvy
How Google Onboards New Hires (And How You Can Easily Replicate It) - Zavvy
11 Top Rules and Regulations for Remote Employees - Teamed
A startup's guide to equity compensation - Vestd
How to Effectively Onboard Product Designers (Template + Execution Plan) - Zavvy
How to Lead Successful Cross-Team Collaboration in 2023 - Collato
Is your performance management process just a formality? Time to evaluate - Let's Talk Talent
How To Organize A Virtual Secret Santa And Make It Exciting - All Things Talent
​Social media content
Premlata Poonia's story - Leaving a well-paying job in US to start a NGO in India - OfExperiences
Ramya Kandala's story - Getting back to work after a 7-year sabbatical - OfExperiences
Arvind Balan's story - From a stable government job to unknown terrains of motorsports- OfExperiences
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Stranger at Covid Hospital
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